Skin Care

Ignae is Featured in International Magazines

Ignae is featured in international media, including Financial Times, Monocle, L’Officiel, Papercity , Vogue Spain…etc. Besides, Ignae was selected as one of the global top six spa products in 2018 by Vogue Nederland.  While Departures Magazine, one of the most influential luxury publications in the World, is featuring Ignae’s Enriched Regenerating Serum, as one of the “Skincare Stars”, an A-list of…

Ignae is Featured in Financial Times November 28 2018

Extracts from Financial Times’ Report : Portugal’s burgeoning beauty brands November 28 2018 / Mary Lussiana Ignae Day Complex And so to cow’s colostrum. The arrival of Ignae, produced on São Miguel, could almost justify the description of Portugal as being in its second “golden age of discovery”, for it is an extraordinarily exciting story. Its young founder Miguel Pombo noticed, while working…

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